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How to fit, use and care for rubber roof protectors

This U-section rubber gasket is only suitable for Neo-Lite Acrylic, Mini-Acrylic and Delta/Aero roof signs supplied by Grade Six Supplies Ltd. We supply these instructions with our signage products but repeat them here so you always have access and can preview before you buy:


Ensure surface of roof, magpads and rubber gasket are dry and clean of dust, grit and ice.


The rubber gasket is supplied to excess length and is best fitted when warm. Lay your sign base-up on a suitable surface so that you will avoid scratching or scuffng the sign and graphics. Starting in the centre at the rear of the sign, fit the gasket by stretching slightly as you press it onto the rim of the sign. Use a spatula or small wood block etc to smooth the gasket onto the rim.

Mark and cut to length with a sharp knife or scissors.

Note, in cold weather the gasket will shrink which may leave a gap at the rear of the sign. This will not affect performance. In warm conditions the rubber will expand and will tend to push off the sign. Don't be tempted to glue it into place - that will only result in causing the gasket to wrinkle and become unuseable.

To avoid damage to paintwork, check periodically that the gasket is properly in place on the base of the sign, particularly before attempting to remove the sign from your car.

Periodically you may need to refresh the rubber. Remove it from the sign and wash thouroughly in warm soapy water. Rinse with clean water and allow to dry thoroughly before re-applying to your roof sign.

If the rubber repeatedly drops from the sign in use, it is likely that you need to stetch it more when applying to add tension. If refreshing does not help, some instructors have found that you can make the lip of the sign a little thicker by adding something like electrical insulation tape so that the U-section rubber is a tighter fit.
