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Eco safe driving: What is it & why is it so important?


Eco-safe driving is one of the most important lessons you can give learners especially given the increased environmental awareness. Although it may not contribute to the result of a practical driving test, the benefits of eco-safe driving make it an important concept that every learner can benefit from. So, what is eco-safe driving?

Eco-safe driving is a recognised and proven driving style that emphasises hazard awareness and planning to protect the environment and enhance road safety. By being aware of any possible hazards within the vicinity and planning, your learners will have plenty of time to safely deal with the hazards without having to brake sharply or accelerate suddenly.

Why is Eco-Safe Driving Important?

According to the World Bank, transport accounts for a quarter of all greenhouse gas emissions, which is bound to rise to 33% in the next few years. Eco-safe drivers can save up to 25% on fuel consumption, which protects the environment a long way. The practice also reduces wear and tear on vehicles and, consequently, repair and maintenance costs. Drivers and passengers will also enjoy a more relaxed and less stressful experience during a commute.

On top of that, it is a well-documented fact that most accidents in the UK can be avoided by being more deliberate while driving. Eco-safe driving is about driving at slower speeds, even though that would also help reduce accidents and fuel consumption. Instead, it is more about avoiding unnecessary braking, acceleration, and speeding, such as exceeding the speed limit or at unsafe speeds for the conditions and inefficient use of the gears. Eco-safe driving, therefore, aims at helping learners acquire the skills needed for progressive driving, hazard perception and defensive driving. As a result, the learners become drivers with better awareness, planning, and anticipation and who are deliberate about using the accelerator, gears and brake rather than being reactionary.

Key Skills in Eco-Safe Driving

Eco-safe driving can be broken down into two key skills; planning and control.


The key to eco-safe driving is being deliberate rather than erratic. For example, suddenly shifting to lower gears while the road speed is too high is not in line with eco-safe driving as the driver uses more fuel unnecessarily. The same is valid with a higher rev range when changing gears upwards and needless abrupt acceleration. These practices result in fuel wastage with no gain in performance or safety.

When teaching, the learner should therefore understand the capabilities of their vehicle. They should also learn to take advantage of their engine's torque/power characteristics by using the highest possible gear without labouring the engine. By using a lower rev range, learners can significantly lower fuel usage, reducing the pollutants released through the exhaust.


It is about improving awareness and anticipation; for example, stopping while moving away from rest results in unnecessary fuel wastage. As an eco-safe driver, the right thing to do is to keep the vehicle on the move whenever and wherever it is safe. This is particularly useful in roundabouts, slow-moving traffic, junctions, and negotiating other hazardous situations. Keeping a vehicle in constant motion aligns with eco-safe driving principles as it requires less fuel to regain momentum.

You can ensure that you are aware of your surroundings to avoid unnecessary braking and acceleration by having suitable interior mirrors. ADI official interior mirrors, in particular, can significantly improve your awareness, enhance your anticipation and help you ensure that you are keeping the vehicle on the move whenever it is safe.

When a candidate is driving on an open road and needs to slow down to comply with a new speed limit, eco-safe driving demands that they respond early, which will allow them to make use of engine braking and therefore slow down the vehicle smoothly. The alternative is to break late, which will result in fuel wastage.

Eco-Safe Driving Tips

Eco-Safe Driving is a Win-Win Situation

The benefits of eco-safe driving extend beyond the driver to other road users, the community and the environment. And just a simple adjustment such as these ADI official mirrors from Grade Six Supplies can significantly enhance awareness and improve your eco-driving skills and that of your learners.

Contact us today to learn more, or check out our website for a comprehensive range of market-leading driving instructor and trainer supplies.
