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DIA comments on new Target 51 Standards Check Guide


We were delighted to receive the following endorsement from the about our latest title available to driver and rider trainers. 

"Since the introduction of the standards check in spring 2014, our industry has seen lots of changes in the way we deliver training. ADIs are moving towards a client centred approach to training that incorporates a combination of teaching, effective Q&A and coaching, to better cater for the individual that is either learning to drive for the first time, or taking some post-test training.

Target 51 is the ideal accompaniment for PDIs who are currently going through their training, ADIs who have recently qualified, plus ADIs who want to revise and refresh the important fundamentals of training, helping them to build even more confidence in delivering effective training sessions for their customers, and helping them with the all important standards check."

Olivia Baldock-Ward

Training and Professional Development Manage, Driving Instructors Association
